Monday, April 27, 2009

The inconvienent truth

Ok, first of all, I need to apologize for the title of this post. Al Gore did his bit, but it just fit just too well not to jump on that band wagon. Please just laugh a little and we will move forward.

As most of you know, I am going to Peru this August with the Presbyterian Church. I will be going with 5 girls from across the country (yea, I'm the only dude). For more information, please see my previous post. The reason for this message is that I must raise $9,000 for this trip. When I first learned of that sum, I felt very overwhelmed, but I feel that God has reminded me of how he is involved in my life. He helped me make it through my Whitworth education with minimal debt and I have no doubts that he will guide me in this process also. Therefore, my first realization about this process is that I cannot rely solely on outside giving. During this year "in a holding pattern," I have been saving money to pay down/off my student loans. Therefore, I am confident that I can provide over half the sum needed for my YAV year. I feel that it would be completely unfair for me to ask others to make financial sacrifices if I were not willing to do the same. If you would like to contribute, the easiest way is through the YAV web donation site. Simply click my name at the bottom of this page.

If financial giving is not your thing or you are unable to monitarily support me, I still want to thank you. By simply reading this blog, you are being interested in my life and I am so grateful for that. Please keep this entire experience in your thoughts and prayers. I am truly unable to express my excitement for this experience (3 words that begin with "ex" in one sentence, alliteration overload!!!!). Thank you for being in my life and please be in contact throughout the duration of the year because I want to know what is happening at home as well as you want to know about Peru. Thank you again and please be informed about YAV and its purposes through the YAV site. You are all fantastic.