Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Well, I have been back for a little over a month now and life is looking toward settling.  I will move into my new house in Ballard next week.  It is a great house with an awesome view.  I will be living with 5 other guys with the aimed goal at intentional community.  We will see what that works itself into meaning, but I am really excited.  Also it has a hot tub.

There is this thing in life where you generally have to have money to buy food and thus survive.  Therefore I am in the job market.  So, if there are any readers out there who know of job opportunities, please do not hesitate to let me know.  I would love to keep speaking Spanish or to work with a NGO, but I am realistic in that the market in Seattle is difficult.  Therefore, please, if you know of anything, let me know.  I love you all.


  1. We are happy that you have such a great living situation. We will continue to pray for the right job for you. Nan and Bop

  2. Oh!! Joe!! que tal? que gusto saber que estas trabajando y que hallas encontrado un nuevo hogar, pero claro, como tu lo dices, espero que puedas conseguir el trabajo que quieres ya sea trabajando en alguna ONG o en lo que realmente te guste, que tengas mucha suerte y desde Lima todas las buenas vibras posibles.

