Thursday, May 28, 2009

Krista Foundation

Some of you may know this, but I was accepted to be a Krista Foundation (KF) Colleague for the 2009 Cohort. KF was founded by Jim and Linda Hunt after their daughter Krista was killed in a bus accident in 1998 in Bolivia. Krista had gone on the Central America Study Program and then was living in Bolivia with her husband serving. This tragedy guided the Hunts to found the Krista foundation which provides a grant and even more importantly support for young adults who are serving their world. I knew about the foundation because of my time with the Hunts in Nicaragua, but had kinda forgot about it. Then when Anna, Rachel and I were flying back from Louisville after the YAV placement event, we ran into them and Linda basically started shaking me saying "you must apply" (ok a little exaggeration, but you get the picture). So I did and thankfully was accepted. So this last weekend, I was fortunate enough to go up to Camp Spalding for the conference. There are 17 people in my cohort (15 were able to make it). They will be serving everywhere from inner-city tacoma with AmeriCorps, to Chicago with Tony Blair's interfaith foundation, to Florida, to Nicaragua, Ecuador, Africa and South East Asia. It is pretty awesome to see the different ways that people are living out their faith. One of the most impressive thigns about KF is their commitment to keeping people invovled. So there were lots of other colleagues from the previous 9 years of KF. It was really awesome to see the different ways that people lived and continue to live out Jesus' callilng to "go." So we had discussions on "what is beauty," "how the church is changing in Africa," to how to just be present in wherever we are working. So, I want to say thank you to those who put it on and check it out if you're unaware of this work.

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