Friday, February 18, 2011

25 Years of getting my feet dirty

Getting you feet dirty, originally uploaded by jtobiason08.
I know that 2 blog posts in a matter of minutes is rather ridiculous, but deal with it. I finished my other post and realized that it was probably a good time to take a moment to look back on my past 25 years, being that it is my 25th birthday.

25, that is kinda crazy. This is the first age that I don't feel like a kid anymore. Sure that isn't old and you never feel your age, but this is real. But I look back on my life and I just have to say thank you to all of the people who have helped me to "get my feet dirty" in this life. So, thank you to everyone who has helped along my faith, physical, educational, relational and all other types of journeys that I have pursued during these 25 years. Thanks to soccer coaches, my piano teacher, normal teachers from the various public schools and Whitworth, bosses, family (both immediate and extended), friends, roommates, coworkers, fellow travelers, students, pastors, youth group kids, fellow camp counselors and just so many others who I cannot ever enumerate. So, thank you. My past 25 years have been a true blessing and I look forward to wherever my path takes me in the next 25 (and more).

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